11 Dec 2006

Energy Efficiient?

Today was bill-paying day for me, which is an unpleasant yet necessary act for all of us without capital liquidity. In any case, I was on the NStar website paying my electricity bill, and I found this little nifty graph, displaying the energy consumption in my apartment over the past year. We moved into our place in September, and from what I gather the apartment was more or less vacant over the summer for renovations. You can see an obvious difference in the electricity consumption before the summer and after September, almost by a factor of three!!!

Considering that this is the same base apartment, with presumeably the same number of people and the same appliances (which from what I can tell are not rated as anything specifically energy-efficient), this seems like an interesting experiment. What on Earth were these people doing that their energy consumption was three times as high? We watch television, use the computer and cook and wash our clothes. But we turn things off when we do not use them. Maybe someone can explain just how we manage to be more energy efficient than the average American, and why more people cannot achieve this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One small step for Sustainability