28 Jul 2009

Scouting in Today's Police-State

Here is a rather shocking article on how today's Explorer Scouts are being trained by local law enforcement agencies to act in anti-terrorism operations, border patrolling, and drug interdiction. Because a society doesn't develop problems when 14 year olds are given a sense of authority, and potentially weapons...

On a personal note, I was previously under the assumption that the Explorer Scouts was a more laid-back organization compared to the Boy Scouts, if for no other reason than because it is coeducational. I guess I've been disabused of that notion.

Perhaps what goes around comes around. Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, was a one-time admirer of fascism, after all. But I think that even he would admit that moving young people from hiking, camping and whittling to training in police brutality is definitely not a healthy step for the direction of this country.